Why, hello there Weekend Warriors. Are you ready for a hauntingly good weekend? This weekend we are diving into some ghostly folklore about ghouls and phantoms. We thought it would be oh-so fitting to dedicate a playlist to the creatures that inhibit the shadows. Discover deep reverb and echos accompanied by ethereal melodies that will transfer you into a secret, lush haunting world. Ghosts in folklore, are spirits and souls of the dead. There have been visions of spirits all over the world dating back to Egyptian culture. Ghouls can be tricksters and they can be very frightening. Have you seen one? It is said that to rid your home or an area of a spirit, you must burn sage. Although, it’s a little exciting when you hear things that bump in the night….BOO! Enjoy free downloads of these ghostly sounding tracks from all of us at Dance Music Northwest! Happy haunting!
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