When it comes to festivals, fire, like glass, isn’t something that festival attendees should ever bring. Whether it’s in the form of tiki-torches, or fireworks, things that are apt at causing damage to the landscapes our venues call home. Leave the fireworks to the pros, and rather than tiki-torches, bring an energy-efficient lamp and call it good. Everyone is better off without having to worry about themselves, or others, putting the entire festival and environment at risk with items that aren’t necessary to enjoy the festival experience.
[divider]NON-FOLDING TABLES/CHAIRS[/divider]
Another goal of most veteran festival-goers is making the most of the space you have, because there will never be enough. Joining 20,000 of our friends for a few shows at The Gorge sounds awesome, but when it comes to personal space at festivals, sharing is caring. Large items that can’t be moved, shrunk, or compacted in a quick fashion won’t find much use during festival season, and will be a burden you’d wish you’d left at home. If you absolutely need a table, bring a small fold-able one, same goes for chairs. A blanket can often suffice as a solid seat, and a lap or the ground can make for as good a table as any.
Many things we bring to, and from, festivals are considered valuable, but certain items don’t belong at a festival. If you can’t live without it, don’t bring it. Whether things get damaged, broken, lost, or even stolen, there’s not much you can do after an invaluable item is tarnished or gone forever. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and while it’d be great to have that specific blanket, or hat, or piece of jewelry, or whatever, it’s better just left at home.
Let us know what you’ll be bringing (and not bringing) to festivals that you’ll be attending this summer. Check back with DMNW, as we’ll have all you need for festival season 2015, from lineup announcements, to artist guides, and beyond, all summer long. Comment below, on Facebook, or reply on Twitter!
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