An often sneaked-in, and then confiscated, item at festivals is the E-Cig. Similar items include the vaporizer, and both are unnecessary to bring to a festival. We understand that a festival may seem to be the best way place to enjoy an E-Cig, and that you’re outside, and that it’s not bugging anyone; but if they’re not allowed, it’s not worth getting them confiscated. They’re fairly easy to spot in a crowd, and you don’t want getting your E-Cig taken from you to ruin your festival experience. Crowds (and campgrounds) aren’t the most secure places for handheld items, either. If you’re going to be smoking cigarettes at a festival, make sure to bring a container for the butts of your cigarettes, so they can be disposed of properly.
Another item that is often confiscated, and generally unncessary, is makeup. Packing light is always key, and when you’re going to be outside dancing in the sun, or under the cover of night, makeup isn’t something that you’ll be worrying about. We’re all camping, we’re all kinda sweaty, and with a community that’s more accepting and understanding than most, it’s alright to get a little ugly. Also, some festivals don’t allow liquid makeups and lip glosses, leading to them getting taken and bad vibes making their way into your festival experience. You’ll end up using it less than you expected, and it might even get taken from you, so just leave the makeup at home this festival season.
[divider]BOTTLED WATER[/divider]
Although the usage of mass-produced plastic bottles of water is known to have a negative impact on the environment, the idea of having 24 pre-packaged hydration packs is almost too much to resist. Almost. Bringing refillable water bottles (or jugs), while requiring a little bit more work, goes a long way. Not only the usage, and then waste, of the plastic is unnecessary, but the purchasing of water is wasted as well. When you spend the amounts ravers do on festival tickets (and then travel, and food, and merch, and oh my god I’m broke), saving every little bit counts. Utilizing the free water available at festivals makes sense for the green environment around our festivals, and inside of our wallets.
Anything glass is always a major ‘no-no’ when it comes to festivals. The amount of barefoot and sandal-ed travel make this rule one of common sense, and one that should be easy to follow. Glass can also last thousands of years as litter, and when thinking of items you’ll need at a festival, nothing with glass is needed. It’s a difficult to dispose of waste product that provides little usage for the festival experience. Tupperware is just as useful as glass, without the risk, while most festivals ban the bringing of glass bottles and beverages that are often found in glass bottles. When it comes down to it, you’re better off without glass materials, and so is the rest of the festival.
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