4. If your balancing boosts or cuts are more than 7-10dB, you need a new sound
EQs are fickle pieces of equipment. When you’re balancing sounds, even the smallest changes, when added up across every track, make a huge difference. It’s easy to make broad adjustments to one sound to fit it in. But, without fail, you’ll end up making big changes to other sounds to compensate. Instead of ending up with many sounds in balance, you get many thin sounds crammed together.
A good rule of thumb is to watch the gain. Lots of sounds need to be sculpted to fit together. If you want to maintain the fullness of each sound, they have to fit like a puzzle. Each piece has a slot to fit into. When they’re all together, every part of the frequency spectrum is represented equally. Your mix sounds full and has depth. And the secret to fitting them together? Glad you asked.
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